Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Evidence that everything man-made was "New Once"

From the Indulgd website. What if we restored some of these amazing places!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

you'd think this is from some conspiracy theory movie - Army out of Bounds - how do people with these ideas gain positions of authority to promote their personal agendas.'s been over a year since the last post...finally getting some traction however.
So - "NewOnce" - everything is new, once. Each day, each hour, each get the idea. So, starting now as a 'septuagenarian', it is time to re-invent, take a fresh look...identify the "stuff" that fits together. Babe Ruth - the real story, for instance. We've all know of the Babe, but it is interesting how we seldom take 5-10 minutes to learn more about the bio. So, while you're too tired to work any more this evening, take a look and enjoy. 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Our good friend, Seth Godin, frequently comes up with the essence:

Questions we ask before we trust your new idea

Who are you?
Do I trust you?
Am I afraid of it?
Will this work for me?
Who says it's important?
What will my peers think?
These are all variations of one complicated thread: how will this process make me feel?
Even though that's all we care about, marketers seem to think it's fine to spam, fine to focus on specs and important to talk mostly about price.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Here's a great use of google's  tech...for the millions of people who will never see them live -

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Here is the book we all need for ourselves and our family -
The book by Phil Cooke is an excellent review for those of us who have found where we 'fit-right-in', and yet very readable for our kids and grand-kids.
Take a look at the pages and think about those in the family that 'need' it, and send it to them!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Seth Godin has a daily post to his blog - here is today's...great for a Monday!

He refers to the book "The Tipping Point" by Malcomb Gladwell, see
Only ten bux as a Kindle book - down load Kindle software to your smarty-phone or laptop.